HOW Festival 2023

HOW Festival 2023

15stu(stu 15)19:0017(stu 17)14:00HOW Festival 2023

Detalji Eventa

HOW /Hotel Operations Weekend/ is the only hotel operations Festival organized in Europe. The main goal is to gather tourism and hotel middle management representatives from the entire region, to present global hotel operations trends, to facilitate implementation of new products and services and to ensure to participants great entertainment and networking.
HOW /Hotel Operations Weekend/ prvi je Festival u Europi na temu hotelskih operacija. Cilj Festivala je okupiti predstavnike turističkog i hotelskog srednjeg menadžmenta iz cijele regije, predstaviti međunarodne trendove u hotelskim operacijama i primjere dobre prakse, olakšati implementaciju novih proizvoda i usluga te osigurati zabavu i umrežavanje sudionika.



15 (Wednesday) 19:00 - 17 (Friday) 14:00(GMT-11:00)


Falkensteiner Resort Punta Skala